
Change your world. 
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The world best wellness close to your home
Book a massage

The world's wellness at your reach

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Indian ayurveda helps to find your balance. Discover your ayurvedic profil or enjoy an ayurvedic massage (Abhyanga, Shirodhara, etc).

Our Ayurvedics massages
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Our Rebozo massage gives a real let go of the mind and body. This  mexican scarf envelop you and rock you. Let your self be carry, you are in harmony.

Our Rebozo massages
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Discover Yoga as a way to trust yourself and listen to your intuition.  Our yoga courses and worshop are made for you, far from clichés.

Yoga courses

The return to yourself
is the most beautiful journey

Omadaya is born form the willingness to share ancestrals techniques of wellbeing adapted to our modern world. Situed in Saint-Avertin in Tours's area, our wellness center offer you a multicultural approch to wellbeing through Ayurveda,  Rebozo and Yoga.

Our speciality ? Welcoming you, as you are, and giving your prestation that are adapted to your need.

Know more
omadaya massage ayurvédique à l'huile chaude de sésame abhyanga ayruveda yoga rebozo centre de bien-être saint avertin toursOmadaya cecile en posture de yoga de l'arbre ayurveda yoga rebozo centre de bien-être saint avertin tours
omadaya massage shirodhara filet d'hule de sésame chaude qui coule sur le front lacher prise. lacher du mental ayurveda yoga rebozo centre de bien-être saint avertin tours
omadaya massage rebozo harmonisation en duo ayurveda yoga rebozo centre de bien-être saint avertin toursomadaya massage shirochampi shiropichu massage de la tête dos et bras lacher prise ayruveda yoag rebozo centre de bien-être saint avertin tours

Discover our offer

Ayurvedic consultation, Abhyanga massage, Rebozo ritual, Yoga workshop...Omadaya is a pluridisciplinary wellness center who gives you the opportunity to have just a moment of wellbeing or to accompagne you long term.

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Offer you time for yourself


Un équilibre retrouvé grâce aux secrets de l’Ayurvéda, la mère des médecines née en Inde il y a 5000 ans.


Ancrage et lâcher-prise avec le Rebozo, le châle traditionnel mexicain qui enveloppe et berce. Détente assurée !


Le Yoga comme mode de vie, une méditation dans le mouvement. Découvrez nos cours de Yoga, collectifs ou individuels.


Offrir un massage en cadeau à vos proches. Une bulle de détente et de découverte dont ils se souviendront. Contactez-nous pour en savoir plus !

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Changer son monde.
Commence avec soi.

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Ils ont aimé leur expérience Omadaya et ils le disent

A complete discovery of ayurvedic massages, Ms de Poret is very professionnal and welcoming. Her explanation helps me to choose an Abhyanga follow by a shirodara ! A true moment out of time in a warm environment, rock by a relaxing music and massage with quality oil. To try and moreover to do again. A amazing discovery !

Nicolas L.